The Future is face to face
Ije Jidenma (Kestria Nigeria) points out that, in terms of talent sourcing, people don’t want to lose what they have gained during covid, the flexibility of not always having to commute, and keeping costs down in relation to this. ‘I worked with an organization that wanted normal Monday to Friday physical attendance. But when they found out that the cost of overheads running those five days was enormous, they asked people to come four times a week and work from home on Fridays. The future may present compulsory physical meetings. Clients will also require advice from executive search consultants in terms of retention under these conditions. A further concern is around socio-cultural issues, as having a homogeneous culture is being threatened. For example, what is formal and informal dress now? What are the new shifts? What culture is left in this landscape? In terms of skills, one area for top executives dealing with complexities and predetermining the operational nuances of each company: critical thinking is more important than ever,’ states Ije Jidenma.